Taylor Bowe-Mcardle has been a part of the brony fandom since 2016 after a close friend told him about the show when he needed it the most.
Taylor Bowe-Mcardle is seen by the community as a positive influencer and a friend to all in the community. He is well recognized by many show staff plus community guests alike, and has helped out and supported many artists and vendors.
He hosts a weekly hangout event in the BlepCon discord server called “Webcam Hangout” every Tuesday night to give those that being back at a con feeling but virtual.
As you can tell he is a huge fan of a certain character that well… shows off the “Glimmer Gang” pride. He was a part of “All that Glimmers” at TrotCon’s Online winter event last year hosted by Forward Progress. Whenever he isn’t fantasizing about Starlight Glimmer, he is also a huge fan of NASCAR driver Kyle Busch. You can always find him on Twitter talking all things…..yeah you get the idea