
  • Semi-Professional Comedy Panelists

RiffPonies are the goofballs with kazoos, the monsters that brought you “fuf”, and more!

It’s not your grandmother’s ponies; it’s RIFFPONIES! Straight from the armpit of the country known as New Jersey comes the snarkiest pair of pony panelists in the fandom, led by Pony panelist extraordinaire Thoth Penswell & Pony fan-artist/animator Acesential! From riffing bad pony cartoons, to making YOU read bad fanfiction, to pony trivia drinking games and much much more, 9 out of 10 horse doctors STILL agree; they are guaranteed to deliver you plenty of laughs and plenty of surprises all weekend long!

To see them and the rest of our Guests this October, get your Ponyville Ciderfest 2021 badge today!