
  • Host & Moderator

Foalpapers can’t quite believe that they’ve now been a fan of candy-colored magical ponies for over a decade, but somehow it has indeed been that long since 2011 – and what an incredible and joyful ten years!

In that time, Foaly has presented on the links between MLP:FiM and Greek mythology at academic conferences and fan conventions around the world; they’ve moderated panels with a broad swath of the Powers That Be of the franchise; they’ve co-hosted a plethora of charity auctions in support of excellent causes alongside Dustykatt and other fabulous folks, and they’ve run around a lot in an unspecified and befuddled rush.

Online, they’ve participated in a variety of livestreams and shows, helped actively shape the fan community on Twitter, and tracked the fandom’s charity and convention undertakings with their beloved spreadsheets. Foaly enjoys tea and is uncomfortable yet vaguely amused describing themself in the third person.

Be excellent to each other. (Art by @BFieldsForever.)

To see Foalpapers and the rest of our Guests this October, get your Ponyville Ciderfest 2021 badge today!