Teaching Disability Awareness thru My Little Pony – Nightmare Nights Edition

Mane Events

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Many people with disabilities of all ages enjoy My Little Pony, who often find themselves misunderstood by others who don’t understand why they enjoy My Little Pony. Meanwhile, many traditions of Halloween and Nightmare Night are enjoyed by many real-life individuals with disabilities of all ages, who are similarly judged by others for not properly “acting their age” when partaking in those activities. In addition, most of the ponies within the TV show have character traits that are shared among people with various disabilities. In this panel, listen to a My Little Pony fan discuss how people can utilize references from My Little Pony to teach awareness of the issues and challenges faced by people with various forms of disabilities, and the parallels between the misunderstandings that disabled fans of My Little Pony and Halloween/Nightmare Night enthusiasts with disabilities face within society at large.