Online MLP:CCG Core Constructed Tournament

Tabletop Gaming - CCG Tournament

1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

It’s time once again to play digital cardboard ponies! As all of these events are online, you’ll need a Discord account and join the Ciderfest server:

You’ll also need OCTGN installed, though if both you and your opponent have Tabletop Simulator or webcams and prefer to use those methods this is also fine; see Hithroc’s excellent post for more information on how to set up OCTGN or Tabletop Simulator:

We’ll be doing 4-5 rounds of Swiss, depending on the number of players, and the tournament will not include a top cut. Rounds will be 45 minutes to accommodate the slightly slower nature of online play, with time being called in Discord. If you wish to change your deck prior to the start of the event, just submit the form again.