
  • YouTuber, Voice Actor, Charity Auctioneer, Panel Moderator, Daring Do's right hoof

PVCF18 Dustykatt Header


Who is this goofball? And why can’t people stop staring at that mustache?

Dustykatt’s life is a manly checklist. The son of an auto worker (have you driven a Ford lately?), high school and college athlete (baseball, football), former bodyguard and ranch hand, trained Big Time wrestler, and Harley mechanic whose custom motorcycles have appeared on the cover of “Easyriders”. A pessimist would say “he can’t make up his mind”; an optimist would say “no single career is big enough for his mustache”.

And he watches a cartoon show intended for little girls. Well, what do you expect from the Manliest Brony in the World?

What’s with that? Well, aside from making him grin like someone who just found a twenty dollar bill in his underwear, it’s given him a chance to do what he does best: ham it up. Dustykatt is known primarily for his former show “Stay Brony My Friends”, his YouTube videos which have gone viral, and separating convention-goers from their money at charity auctions. Dusty fearlessly treads upon the crushed skulls of YouTube trolls and hack journalists as he destroys stereotypes. What he is most proud of, though, is his fans. The finest bronies in the world (his audience… that includes YOU, right?) have come together to raise over 50,000 dollars for a variety of charities. This has also piqued the curiosity of documentary filmmakers.

He can be seen in “Thatch and Dial”, a Youtube series he is collaborating on with Andy Stein (Mandopony), as well at the Analyst Anarchy TF2 series with Dr. Wolf and friends. His continued appearances on Bronies React, and new gig as multiple characters on the Fallout Equestria radio play by East Corp. Productions as well as in the animation “Allister and Melody by Luximus.

He co-stared in a student film called “Under” with an on screen roll. And completed his first book narrations in the “Portals of Infinity” series with book 3 “Of Temples and Trials” and book 4 “The Sea of Grass” on both Audible and Ibooks.

Stay Brony, my Friends.