Commentary is Magic

Commentary is Magic
  • Content Creators, CCG Organizers

PVCF18 Commentary is Magic Header

The My Little Pony Collectible Card Game comes to Ponyville Ciderfest with the help of Commentary is Magic!

Since 2015, Commentary is Magic has focused on organizing and running live streamed tournaments (with commentary, of course!) and new player demos at conventions both pony-focused and otherwise. Additionally, their regular broadcasts on Twitch have helped to provide players of all skill levels with helpful tips and tricks, featured duels between community members, and deck ideas for a variety of playstyles.

This year, CiM is very excited to host the 2018 MLPCCG North American Continental Championship! Players from all around the world will be able to participate in this top-tier Core-format competitive event, with some amazing prizes and the title of North American Champion 2018 on the line! Swiss rounds will take place Saturday. October 27th, with top cut single elimination rounds split between Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Newer players or those looking for unique game formats will also enjoy the side events being run on Friday, October 26th, including Draft, Pauper, and more. So save the dates, break out your best decks, and come join the fun!